Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Two's and Three's Terrific or Torture?

This is more for me than for you.  It is within my parenting code to keep things positive.  I have a huge distaste for labels and I refuse to use them within ear shot of my children.  That being said, I caught myself saying that my toddler (whose 3rd birthday is next week) has suddenly transformed from a terrific, agreeable, friendly and easy going two year old into a ferocious and terrifying three year old!

I admit.  This week has been a "dig deep" week and it's only Tuesday!  I've had to take a moment and remember a few tried and true parenting methods.  As I write, I'm reminding myself too.

1. Remember, transition is an upset.  Toddlers inherently hate change.  Try for a moment to think of what in their world has changed.  Are you more stressed this week?  Has Dad been working late a few nights this week? Or maybe the schedule has just been a little off.  Whatever it is, getting back to a schedule might just be what junior needs to start acting a little more like himself.

2.  Be consistent with grace.  This is tough.  Sometimes being consistent means more than one discipline having to be handed out within a short time period.  Try not to sweat the small stuff.  Your goal needs to be to catch her being good more than not.

3.  Get on their level.  One of the most effective tools that I always forget.  How would you like it if someone was ordering you around that was 4 feet taller than you?  A little intimidating right? This also imply's that a little floor time can go a long way in making your toddler bond with you...hopefully evoking the desire to please you at the same time!

4.  Share it.  We can't do this alone.  Chances are the mom sitting in the park or in your playgroup has gone through the same thing at one time or another.  Your biggest surprise through all of this may be when you discover that you are not alone!

5.  Pray.  Patience does not come easily.  It's a gift.  Take some time to gain some perspective.  This is a moment in time.  It will not last forever

-Jen C. for Binkys and Bonbons

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