Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Trying to take some of the sting out of Immunizations

I realize 2 things, FIRST: This is a controversial subject and I hope that the reader understands that I am not in any way advocating for or against immunizations.  I am also not a doctor, so I cannot stress enough how important it is to use common sense and discuss these tips and your child's immunizations with your pediatrician before attempting them on said children. I am simply a mom who has vaccinated her own kids and I would welcome any tips from a licensed practitioner on ways to naturally protect my child from vaccine complications.
SECOND: Being that I am a purist blogger of sorts and I believe whole heartedly in giving credit where credit is due, I have to tell you that I searched and searched for this article online and could not find it.  I will tell you that I found it laying in a scrap pile on printed newspaper of sorts while on a vacation in Bend, Oregon.  From what I can tell, The Dr. that wrote the article is Dr. Michelle K. Jackson.  Obviously a mom or dad who found the article as important as I do, found it, tore it out to save it, but failed to pocket it.  Their loss, our gain.

Now all disclaimers aside, here are some excerpts from the article by Dr. Michelle K. Jackson:

"The number of routine vaccines given to children by the time they attend school has risen from 10 in the 1970's to about 36 presently. This article will not discuss the absolutes of administering vaccines but rather if you do decide to vaccinate your child I [the author] aim to offer some practical information to those who want the best long-term health for their children, regardless of their sentiments on the topic of vaccination in general.
Since there is evidence that at least some of the time vaccines do cause negative reactions, the question that emerges is whether something can be done to minimize, if not eliminate, such damage, however infrequently it may occur...
First, always make sure your child is healthy at the time of a vaccination.  We want the immune system to respond to the vaccine since that is the purpose of vaccination.  I often recommend one hour before vaccination a dose of a powerful Omega 3 supplement, preferably one that is from an alternative source of marine lipids, to fish oil, such as New Zealand, greenlip mussel oil, which is my favorite...Omega 3 oils are beneficial for so many health issues that taking it daily is not a bad idea.
If you do have an adverse reaction, especially at the injection site, take a dose of additional herbal
antioxidants, such as curcumin and quercetin in particular are good, because they have been found to block the ability of vaccine additives that may trigger a long-term immune reactions.  If you take the antioxidants an hour before the vaccination, it should help dampen or negate the adverse reactions.
Immediately before vaccination, take a calcium supplement.  The calcium needs to contact the mucous membranes of the mouth, so hold it under your tongue or have your child hold it under their tongue, even a tiny bit of a calcium tablet will work.  Magnesium citrate or malate (500 mg. of elemental magnesium) two capsules, tree times a day after the vaccine will help as well.
After an injectable vaccination, apply a cold or ice pack to the injection site.  This will inhibit blood flow to the area and keep the vaccine ingredients from spreading into the blood and surrounding tissues.  This is especially important for vaccines that contain additives.  Take your own pack with you, as we want it applied immediately.
Taking a dose of homeopathic Thuja Occidentalis 30C, immediately after vaccination (or at least within 2 hours), and then every 12 hours for a total of 3 doses (no more)...Thuja is available at health food stores that carry homeopathic remedies, such as Whole Foods and Henry's.  Arnica homeopathic gel can also be applied to the injection site.
Vitamin E , in a natural form, that is high in gamma-E, may help dampen the negative immune reactions and may also reduce several of the inflammatory reactions.  [Check with a doctor for dosage] (Note: Kiwifruit seed oil is an excellent source of all the natural forms of vitamin E and is second only to avocado oil.)
A most important ingredient on the list is Vitamin C.  It is very potent anti-inflammatory and should be taken in a buffered form, not as ascorbic acid.  If your child experiences diarrhea, cut back on the dose to bowel tolerance.  In a addition to its general antitoxin properties vitamin C has been demonstrated to be highly effective in neutralizing the toxic nature of mercury in all of its chemical forms.  Even the very highly toxic organic forms of mercury have been shown to be effectively detoxified by vitamin C.  Mercury derivatives and other heavy metals are found in vaccines. [A common myth that mercury is no longer in vaccines when it is.]
Zinc may be protective against vaccine toxicity.  (Do not use zinc mixed with copper, however, as copper is a major trigger of free-radical generation).  Additionally, Vitamin D3 is very important for people who vaccinate.  It helps if you are over-reacting immunologically to a vaccine, by cooling down the reaction.  Similarly, if you are under-racting, it may help to boost your immune response.  I often recommend dosages of Vitamin D after a vaccine but the amounts are dependent upon age & weight and I often run a simple blood test to determine Vitamin D levels before recommendation of dosage.
Please consult with your own health practitioner before embarking on these or any other changes to your own regime, or that of your children.  Every individual is unique, and should be treated accordingly by their own medical practitioner.  Medicine for people should never be one size fits all! "

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